For Income Officers
Tackles the most pressing cases in priority order.

Income officers are concerned with ensuring rental income while doing their utmost to support tenants remaining in their homes.
For those using traditional Housing Management Systems (HMS), issues such as misidentified technical arrears cases and poorly prioritised caseloads are common, leading to wasted time and unmotivated income teams.
With Occupi, officers are assured that they are making the correct selections in priority order, saving time and having a positive impact on tenant wellbeing.
Occupi enables front-line personnel to devote their time to the most critical cases, where human intervention can have the most significant impact.

How it works:
Allows you to identify cases that need action earlier, meaning that you can better support tenants in need
Gives you the tools to make necessary calls in order to assist the tenants who need it the most
Helps to improve working efficiency and saves time as benign cases and non-action cases are not included in Occupi's smart caseloads
The prioritised caseloads will decrease your backlog so that you can concentrate on other areas of business
As non-action cases will be removed from your caseload, you will only contact tenants when necessary, leading to better relationships with tenants
Reporting on your caseloads is made easy with Occupi's various tracking and reporting features